
This form is for donations by members and others towards the cost of our work in the Grange. It is not for annual membership subscriptions, these can be paid using this form instead.

Payment details

Bank details for online payments are accessible by hovering over or pressing the headings below:

Sort code
Account no.
Account name
Grange Association

If you prefer to pay by cheque, please make this out to “The Grange Association” and send it to:

Membership Secretary, Grange Association, 31 St Alban’s Road, Edinburgh EH9 2LT

Please include the following reference in your online payments, or on the reverse of your cheques, to ensure we can associate them with your donation:

[Your surname – Your postcode]

e.g.:    WILSON-EH9 3XY

Overwrite if not Edinburgh
Enter the amount that you are actually paying here. Any Gift Aid is dealt with below.
Please tick the boxes to indicate your agreement
If you tick this box your identity will not be shared beyond our Membership Secretary and our Treasurer.